Prayer for the
Missing in Action Israeli Soldiers
The following prayer was composed by the Chief Rabbinate of Ramat Gan, Israel. We urge you to adopt it at your Synagogue.(English translation at bottom.)
He who blessed our forefathers Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph, Moses, Aaron, David and Solomon, may He bless, preserve and protect the captive and missing soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces including:
Yekutiel Yehuda Nachman ben Sarah (Katz)
Zecharia Shlomo ben Miriam (Baumel)
Zvi ben Penina (Feldman)
Ron ben Batya (Arad)
Guy ben Rina (Hever)
May He Rescue them from captivity and speedily restore them in peace, in the merit of the prayers of this holy assemblage who pray for them.
May the Holy One, Blessed be He, show them mercy, increase their strength, remove their pain and send them a recovery of body and recovery of spirit, may He return them to the bosom of their families, (On Sabbath: The Sabbath prohibits us from crying out, may salvation come speedily,)
swiftly and soon. Now let us respond: Amen.
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